This is a showcase of visual content I created based around the band Nahko and Medicine for the People's single Wash It Away that was release at the biginning of 2015. The art and graphic content that I created was based off the colors and mood from song and album artwork created by Allsion Kunath

^^ wallpaper download and digital/physical single release ^^

^^ shirt, tank top and vinyl bundle release ^^

^^ tshirt and tank top designs ^^

^^ vinyl packaging design ^^

^^ bottle engraving design ^^

I am a firm believer in packaging visual content like wallpaper packs that can be downloaded for a simple email address can bridge the gap between the announcment of the release and the actual release date of the album or single. It also allows for promotional graphics to be developed straight from from those wallpapers for the artist, management groups involved, and fans across social media platforms. Thus giving a visual context to the song or songs that are going to be included in the album.